Setup steps

Setting up the system consists of several steps:

  1. Enter the global settings for the system, e.g. the systems name, administrators email address and settings for serial letters and mailing lists.
  2. Setup list values like academic titles, address and phone number types and status types. This can be done by hand or by import of these values together with member lists via an excel file.
  3. Change translation values for the list values.
  4. Enter committees and committee functions, if they were not imported from the excel file.
  5. Setup email notifications, to get informed about any changes in the system.
  6. Setup the mailing lists

Basic setup

Most basic settings for the site can be found in the configuration file app/config/vereniging.yml. This file can be edited with any editor, changes will be available after deleting all content from the app/cache directory. To start, copy the file app/config/vereniging.yml.template to app/config/vereniging.yml. Currently the file looks as follows:

Read more: Basic setup