Server with ssh-access and git-client
The easiest installation is a linux server, where you have ssh-access and an installed git client. If so, do the following steps:
- Make sure that a git client and composer are installed. Composer can be installed from
# Check git client git --version # Check composer composer --version
- Create the directory in which the system is to be installed:
mkdir vereniging cd vereniging git clone . # This will take some time, because this downloads all additional libraries composer install
- Set some key parameters, e.g. the database connection settings, and cleanup:
cp .env .env.local # and then: vi .env.local rm installer.php rm installer_step2.php rm deploy.php
- Setup the database:
# Create the database ./bin/console doctrine:database:create # Create the database tables ./bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force # Insert demo data ./bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --group=default
Now you should be able to access the software on your web server. In your browser, use For a first login, use the username "firstname1.lastname1" and the password "secret1".